یک جفت لامپ  COB
  • اشتراک گذاری

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    اشتراک گذاری

یک جفت لامپ COB

مناسب چراغ های کوچک - شهری و غیره
داخل و خارج خودرو
  • برند: Led-Smd
  • امتیاز :
    5 از 1 رای
  • کدکالا:
  • ویژه
92,000 تومان

مناسب چراغ های کوچک - شهری و غیره
داخل و خارج خودرو

As LED technology is revolutionizing the lighting market, the LED light is definitely a good choice for you. It is always a great investment to have a power-saving LED light bulb for your car. This energy-saving LED light bulb features high brightness, low power consumption, long service life, anti-dust and anti-collision. It is safe and reliable, a perfect eco-solution. Meanwhile, it is easy to install and operate. Save money in the long run and facilitate your life from now on

  High quality and super bright LED bulbs
  Easy to use, low power consumption
  Commonly used for interior lights to replace old festoon
  No delay in lighting, much safer, prevent the rear-end collision danger
  It is suitable for both external and internal use
  Simple to install and clean
  Functional and durable
  Adopt big and stable chip


دو عدد لامپ COB 2X T10 SMD W5W COB

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